Monday, December 5, 2011

Do (not) Program

Last night, I couldn't get a good night sleep. Actually I slept quite late, was sorting some pics and captioning them etc. I am in office now, I am so so soooooooo sleepy. I have already tried almost all the standard solution to keep awake myself. 

1) Take a walk.
Nah!! this made me more tired and sleepiness got worst.

2) Drink lots of water. 
Oh yeah!! I had 2 ltrs and now its to-fro to the toilet. My colleague is giving me looks.

3) Do programming.
Seems to be a good idea......
After sometime..why my code not getting complied?? where is the error?  :-O

Oh No!! When did I write "bad leaves" in my java code???  :-((

1 comment:

chaos said...

I have learnt this the hard way. Tried coding one night when I was very sleepy and then spent the next whole week debugging. NEVER CODE WHILE SLEEPY :p